Page 3 - HomeSchool
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General Information What To Expect
Special Needs Inclusion/Accommodation for Children: When You Come To The Y
The Countryside YMCA believes that all children, including Do a healthy self-check before you leave home and stay
those with special needs diagnoses or disabilities, should home if you are ill or have symptoms of COVID-19.
be able to, whenever reasonably possible, participate in our
programs and activities. We strive to create programs and
services where all children feel welcomed and valued. To Come to the Y with a purpose. Come to work out, lap
assist our staff in providing the best possible experience for swim, or attend a specific program. Our lobby furniture
your child, we ask that during the registration period, before and café tables have been temporarily removed to
classes begin, you share any pertinent information with our prevent gathering for socializing.
program staff about your child and her/his unique needs,
including what helps her/him be successful in different activities Follow physical distancing throughout the Y, including
at home and at school. We may ask you to provide additional in lap lanes and fitness classes. Partners exercising
information so that program staff can have detail about your together and sharing equipment must maintain group
child that will help them serve and support her/him. All requests segmentation from others exercising.
for accommodations will be considered respectfully by staff
with considerations to the health and safety of all involved.
We welcome interactive dialogue to determine reasonable, Enter through the North Entrance at Lebanon or
appropriate and effective accommodations. the front Entrance at Landen. Enter the Outdoor
Pool through the outdoor pool entrance. Have your
membership card ready to scan for a required check-in.
Financial Assistance
Anyone who is a member of the Y, but is struggling financially Sanitize your hands upon entry, and while at the Y wash
your hands or use sanitizing stations often. Restrooms
to pay for classes, can apply annually for financial assistance. and locker rooms are open.
Recipients receive at least $300* that can be used during the
calendar year to take classes. You would pay for 50% of the Bring your own pre-filled water bottle and towel. Our
course fee, and the Y will cover the other 50% until the total water fountains and vending machines are closed. Our
amount has been spent.
towel service is currently discontinued.
*This financial assistance can be used for certain children.
This does not include specialty classes, camps or private lessons. We don’t expect you to wear a mask while you exercise,
but for the health of others we require you to wear one
*Info is subject to change. in our public spaces and when you are interacting with
Spray down any equipment you use in the CSC or fitness
studios. Your efforts are in addition to our cleaning
There are limited showers available inside the fitness
facilities. There are no showers at the outdoor pool.
Age restrictions may apply during this time. Call or
check our website for current updates.
During this time any classes/programs/events that are
may have limited participants
are subject to change or to be cancelled
This book is an overview of what we are offering now,
and we will continue to add additional programs and
activities as we can do so safely.
*This book is subject to