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Hours of Operation                                          General Information

     Countryside YMCA | Lebanon                                   Carry Your Membership ID Card
                                                                  It is necessary to present your membership ID card for
     Monday – Friday              5:00a – 9:00p                   admittance to the YMCA. If you forget your card, you will be
     Saturday                     7:00a – 7:00p                   required to sign in. Membership cards are non-transferable.
     Sunday                       12:00p – 6:00p                  Any member who lends his/her card or assists a non-
                                                                  member in unauthorized use of the facility subjects their
                                                                  membership to revocation. Replacement cards are $3 each.
     Child Watch                                                  YMCA Multimedia Policy
             Monday, Wednesday,          9:00a-12:00p             YMCA programs and events are often photographed/
             Thursday, Friday            4:00p-7:00p              videotaped for promotional purposes. If you do not wish to
                                                                  be included in YMCA promotional materials, please indicate
             Tuesday                     9:00a-12:00p             this to YMCA event and/or program staff.
                                         4:00p-8:15p              Member Get a Member Program
             Saturday                    8:30a-12:00p             Current members will receive one month of membership
             Sunday                      Closed                   for each friend you refer who joins the Y and stays for 3
     Climbing Wall                                                months.
             Monday - Friday             6:00p-9:00p              Member Price
             Saturday                    10:00a - 6:00p           In order to receive member prices on programs, you must
             Sunday                      Closed                   be a member for the entire session.
                                                                  Programs & Classes
     Motion Zone  Closed                                          Registration operates on a first-come, first-serve basis.
                                                                  If you are a full member, you may register at the member
                                                                  listed price two days prior to open registration. Program
             Online Registration                                  members may register during open registration at the
                                                                  program member rate as long as the program member
                                                                  annual fee is up to date. Choose the class or program you
                                                                  would like to participate in and register in person or online
       Members can register either online or in person at the front   at
       desk.                                                      our-classes. No phone registrations will be accepted.
                                                                  No registration will be processed without payment. All
       To register online:                                        times listed are subject to change based upon enrollment
       1.  Go to                          and usage. Instructors listed are subject to change or
       2.  If you access the site from a desktop or laptop, click on the   Cancellation and Refund Policy
           MY ACCOUNT tab in top right corner of the Home Page.   Classes are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. Classes
           If you access the site from a phone, click on the three   may be canceled if minimum enrollments are not met. Class
           bars to the left of the logo to see the menu and select MY   sizes may be limited. Credits will be given if the class is
           ACCOUNT at the bottom of that list.                    canceled because of limited enrollment. Otherwise, class must
       3.  Log in to your account.                                be canceled before the session begins and credits are at the
                                                                  discretion of the department head. However, there will
       4.  Go to the Search All Programs (Under the Activities and   be a $5 non-refundable processing fee for each class
           More Tab).                                             canceled or transferred.
       5.  Put in the search criteria and hit SEARCH.             Class Make-up Policy
       6.  Scroll through the results to find your class and click on   In order to provide a safe, quality teaching environment
           REGISTER NOW.                                          and to protect class ratios, making up a missed class is not
       7.  You will see a list of the family members who are on your   The Aquatics department allows one make-up swim lesson
           membership. Any member with a         is not eligible to   per session, contact the Swim Lesson Director to schedule a
           register for that program (likely due to age restrictions).   make-up lesson.

       8.  Click on the name(s) to select the person(s) for registration
          (the name box will turn blue) and then hit the green
          CONTINUE button.
       9.  You’ll see your cart, with the class you registered for.
       10.  From here you can continue shopping, donate, or continue
       11.  If you continue registration, you will fill in details for the
          billing address and a credit card.
       12.  Click on PAY.
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