Page 2 - Membership Guide
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Code of Conduct location, visit
• Countryside YMCA is a membership organization that values caring, • Members must use their home Y at least 50% of the time. Program-
only participants or special memberships (group homes, other
honesty, respect and responsibility. Membership is a privilege, not a
right. We expect persons using the YMCA to behave with civility in a agencies, etc.) are not eligible for nationwide membership.
mature and responsible way and to respect the rights and dignity of Membership Referral Program
others. • If you refer a friend to the Y and they become a member for at least 3
• Members and guests are encouraged to notify staff if they are made months, you receive 1 month of complimentary membership. Stop in
to feel uncomfortable while using the YMCA. The YMCA has the the Welcome Center for a referral form.
right to suspend or cancel a membership if the member’s behavior or Programs
language violates our expected standard of conduct.
• Special Needs Inclusion/Accommodation for Children: The Registration
Countryside YMCA believes that all children, including those with • Members and Program Members can register for programs and
special needs diagnoses or disabilities, should be able to, whenever classes on a first-come, first-served basis. Most programs run on
reasonably possible, participate in our programs and activities. 8-week sessions in winter, spring, and fall, and on 5-week sessions
We strive to create programs and services where all children feel in the summer. Some specialty programs, sports leagues, and special
welcomed and valued. To assist our staff in providing the best events operate on different schedules or are 1-day programs.
possible experience for your child, we ask that during the registration • Full YMCA members are able to register 2 days before registration
period, before classes begin, you share any pertinent information with opens to Program Members and the general public. Full YMCA
our program staff about your child and her/his unique needs, including members also receive a discount on most programs, provided
what helps her/him be successful in different activities at home and membership is maintained for the duration of the program.
at school. We may ask you to provide additional information so that • Registration may be done in-person at the Front Desk, or online at
program staff can have detail about your child that will help them Registration cannot be processed over the
serve and support her/him. All requests for accommodations will be phone.
considered respectfully by staff with considerations to the health
and safety of all involved. We welcome and interactive dialogue to Cancellation, Refunds, & Transfers
determine reasonable, appropriate and effective accommodations. • Programs are subject to change based on enrollment and usage, and
Membership • Credits will be given if a class is cancelled.
instructors are subject to change or substitution.
Membership Cards • In order to provide a safe, quality teaching environment with
• As Countryside YMCA is a membership organization, membership appropriate class ratios, making up missed classes is not permitted.
cards are issued as proof of membership. Carrying and scanning your • The Aquatics department allows 1 make-up swim lesson per
membership card helps us provide faster check-in, maintain a safer session on select Friday nights.
YMCA, and monitor usage; monitoring peak and total usage helps us • A $5 non-refundable fee is required to cancel or transfer a class once
plan for future needs. registration has been processed.
• Each member age 6 years old and older receives their own Policies
membership card.
• Each member must scan their card at the entry for each visit. Solicitation
• If you do not have your card, you will need to present another form of • The Y does not allow solicitation of outside business or services in
ID. You may enter the YMCA 3 times without a membership card; after any Countryside YMCA facility, program area, or parking lot without
the 3 time, you will be asked to purchase a new membership card. prior written permission from the CEO.
• Replacement membership cards can be purchased at the Physical Desk Parking
for $3. • Parking is available in the large north lot, the Lower Level lot near the
• Cards are the property of the YMCA and are not transferable. Family Aquatic Center, the east lot near the Welcome Center, and the
Guest Passes south lot near the Outdoor Pool.
• We hope your guests enjoy coming to the YMCA. If they would like • Handicapped parking is available in the north, east, and Lower
further information on programs and membership, they can stop at Level lots. Permits must be visible. Violators may be ticketed by the
the Welcome Center for assistance. Lebanon Police, and/or, if warned 3 times for violating, have a wheel
• Full YMCA members may purchase 1-day guest passes. lock placed on the vehicle.
• Passes are $7 for those 17 years old and under, $10 for those 18 • Oversized vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, and recreational vehicles
years old and older, or $15 for a family of two or more people. are prohibited fromparking in any YMCA parking lot without prior
• Members are responsible for their guests and must stay together. written permission from the CEO.
• Overnight parking in any YMCA lot is also prohibited.
Program Memberships Lost & Found
• Those who wish to participate in YMCA programs without purchasing
a full membership may become Program Members. Program Members • If you lose an item while at the Y, please check at the Physical Desk.
may participate in YMCA classes and programs, but may not use the Dress Code
facility for recreation or other member services. If at any time you • We ask our members and guests to wear family-appropriate clothing
decide to become a full YMCA member, please stop in the Welcome while on YMCA property. Clothing or skin may not bear alcohol or
Center to upgrade your membership. cigarette ads, inappropriate designs, or offensive comments.
• Program Members receive a Program Membership Card, and must • Shirts and shoes are required while in the building.
scan it to access the facility when arriving for a program. • Please refer to the Pools Dress Code on page 3 for policies on swim
Fees and pool attire.
• Single adult 18 years old and older: $30 Smoking & Tobacco
• Family: $40 • The YMCA is a non-smoking facility. Tobacco products, vaping
• Program Memberships must be renewed annually. products, and e-cigarettes are not permitted on YMCA property,
Nationwide Reciprocal Membership which includes entryways, parking lots, sports fields, the Outdoor
Pool, and the Outdoor Recreation Center and Nature Trail.
• Full YMCA members are automatically eligible to visit any other
participating YMCA in the United States. To find a Y in another
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